The Winter Arc

Face the toughest mental and physical challenges this winter, and emerge as the best version of yourself.

What is the Winter Arc?

“The Winter Arc” is a period where individuals use the coldest, darkest days of the year to refocus and visualize their goals. It’s a time to bulk up, gain strength, and cut fat, all in preparation for a stronger version of yourself.

When does the Winter Arc start and end?

It starts on October 1st, or you can also start on January 1st.

Winter Arc Contract

The Winter Arc Contract is composed of various rules to guide you through your transformation:

Rule 1: Train at least 4 times a week

This is the bare minimum commitment to your progress.

Rule 2: No Relationships

Avoid romantic relationships during this period. Being single is encouraged, and heartbreak can fuel your motivation.

Rule 3: Complete a Mandatory Bulk/Cut Cycle

You must complete a bulk or cut cycle, with the goal of transforming into a formidable version of yourself.

Rule 4: Eliminate All Distractions

Enter “ghost mode.” Focus entirely on your goals and eliminate distractions.

Rule 5: Buzz Cut (Optional)

A buzz cut is optional, but it symbolizes discipline and commitment. It's a test that separates individuals committed to the challenge.

Rule 6: Train Your Mind

Just as you train your body, you must train your mind. Mental resilience is key to physical strength. Invest in knowledge and discipline.

Rule 7: Control Your Desires

Exercise control over your desires. Self-mastery is essential to achieving your potential. Unchecked desires can hinder your growth.

Winter Arc Discord

The first Discord about Winter Arc Self-Improvement is available here:

Winter Arc Challenge

The Winter Arc Challenge will soon be available on iOS/Android. Stay tuned!